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Category Archives: Business Litigation

The Domain Name as Collateral Considerations for Creditors Seeking to Use a Domain Name as a Security Interest or as a Source of Payment on a Judgment

Convertino v. DOJ: Federal Court Upholds Attorney-Client Privilege for Employee’s Private Communications to which Employer Had Access

Internet defamation law update: Courts around the U.S. regularly grant requests by plaintiffs to force publishers to disclose the identity of anonymous bloggers -- albeit, often not until the plaintiff has jumped over some rather stringent procedural hurdles. However, in a recent case, a federal judge in Missouri denied such a request, on the grounds that the plaintiff's need for the blogger's test

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Product Liability

Product Liability: Mattel Pays $2.3 Million Penalty for Toys Containing Lead Paint

In an agreement with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Mattel and its subsidiary Fisher-Price will pay $2.3 million in civil penalties for toys made in China containing high levels of lead paint. Lead paint has been shown to cause injury when ingested and is banned in the United States. This defective products penalty is the highest of its kind imposed by the CPSC. The Mattel civil penalty sheds more light over recent concerns by Congress that some read more

Pants lawsuit could cost D.C. judge his $100,000 job

‘Pants Judge' on Suspension

Remember the curmudgeonly Washington DC judge that sued a South Korean dry cleaner for millions when his pants went missing? Don't worry. No one else remembers Roy L. Pearson either. With the way his life has gone since 2005 wh

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